We are thrilled to be presenting the engaging, thought-provoking, and innovative Animate series through ChurchNext. The first course in this three-part series, Animate Faith 1, launches today. This unique program is designed to spur thought, discussion, wondering, pondering, and spiritual growth not by offering answers to some of faith’s most difficult or basic questions but by offering new ways of considering them.
Animate Faith 1 features three of the most engaging and sought-after speakers on faith today: Brian McLaren offers his reflections on what we mean when we talk about God, and the various ways people have of imagining, describing, and conceiving of God. Mark Scandrette shakes up our ideas of the way we do church, suggesting that if we truly want to practice Christianity, we need to practice a revolution of love and service like Jesus did. And Lillian Daniels offers wisdom on why we actually do need religion, that though religion is often seen as a dirty word in our culture, spirituality is not enough.
This course is produced in partnership with Augsburg Fortress Publishing, which offers the Animate Faith DVD curriculum as well as facilitator guides and journals for small groups. Click here to find out more.
Stay tuned for the launch of Animate Faith Parts 2 and 3 in the coming weeks. To register for Animate Faith 1 please click here.
Why do we formulate our ideas about God based on the actions (or inactions) of man? I’ve heard some say that if God truly loves us, why is this world the way it is and if He doesn’t love us, then why should I care what He has to say? It actually saddens me that we take this stance (including myself). It saddens me because we are missing the mark. It bothers me because we allow others to have such a huge influence over us, suffer the consequences of it, and then blame God for letting it all happen. It’s hurtful to us and it’s hurtful to others. Certainly, this can expand into a multitude of tangents such as cognitive behavior, what goes around comes around, and even cosmic fate and manifest destiny.