ChurchNext is a ministry of Forward Movement which is an agency of The Episcopal Church. Forward Movement is a non-profit ministry sustained by sales of our resources and generous gifts from our readers, supporters, and friends. We receive no funds from The Episcopal Church. You can donate by clicking here.
As part of our ministry to the greater church, Forward Movement provides people of faith with subscriptions to ChurchNext, copies of Forward Day by Day, prayer books, booklets, and pamphlets for personal reflection and contemplation.
Your gift impacts people immediately.
• $500 sends Forward Day by Day to 400 soldiers overseas.
• $250 sends prayer books to 50 prison inmates.
• $100 sends large-print Forward Day by Day to 80 hospital patients.
Your gift also provides…
• New resources like smartphone apps, curriculum, and children’s resources.
• Quality Spanish language resources for Latino/Hispanic Ministry.
• Financing for Braille and large-print editions of Forward Day by Day.
With your generous donation, many more people will be nourished every day by Forward Movement, whether they are burdened by life’s circumstances, institution-bound, or simply seeking a spiritual center in their lives.