New Course: Making Sense of the Cross Part III: Theories of the Cross, with David Lose

davidloseWhatever we say about the cross, we are also saying about God. So what does the cross mean? What can it tell us about God? How can it help us approach, understand, and know God better? In Part III of this three-part series, David Lose introduces us to the three most popular theories, or ways of understanding the Cross, that Christians have turned to through the years.

This online course is based on the Augsburg Fortress DVD-based curriculum of the same name, so if you’ve experienced that teaching, this will be very familiar.

In this six-part class Dr. Lose walks us through:

  •  The Ancient Theory Explained
  • The Ancient Theory Evaluated
  • The Substitution Theory Explained
  • The Substitution Theory Evaluated
  • The Love Theory Explained
  • The Love Theory Evaluated

This is a pre-recorded online course that will take an average learner about an hour to work through. You can pause the class at any time and return to pick it up later.

This is the third of three courses in the the online learning version of Making Sense of the Cross series. Part One is called Experience and the Cross. Part Two is called The Bible and the Cross. None of these videos is downloadable, however there are text files included with the classes that you may download.

If you would rather purchase the 6-part Augsburg Fortress DVD-based series, click here.

For more information and to register, click here: Making Sense of the Cross III:  Theories of the Cross


Available Now: Making Sense of the Cross Part Two: The Cross and The Bible, with David Lose

Whatever we say about the Cross, we’re also saying about God.  And yet far more people are puzzled about the Cross than would claim to understand it. In this second of his three-part Church Next course called Making Sense of the Cross, author, theologian, and pastor David Lose helps us understand what the Bible can teach us about the Cross. For more information about Making Sense of the Cross Part II, click here.

davidloseThis online course is based on the Augsburg Fortress DVD-based curriculum of the same name, so if you’ve experienced that teaching, this will be very familiar.

This class includes six lessons:

  • A Man Hanging on a Tree
  • Why Four Gospels?
  • Matthew and the Cross
  • Mark and the Cross
  • Luke and the Cross
  • John and the Cross

This course helps us understand how each of the gospels can teach us something new about the Cross and about God; it is perfect for newcomers and lifelong Christians alike.

If you would rather purchase the 6-part Augsburg Fortress DVD-based series, click here.

Again, for more information and to register for Making Sense of the Cross Part II, click here.

Announcing Another Free, Worldwide Class

FF Title PicChurchNext is thrilled to partner with the good folks at Faith Forward to offer a  free class to all aimed at helping us better understand and nurture young people in the Christian faith.

Registration for The Big Class: Reimagining Children’s and Youth Ministry is now open. Click here for more information and to sign up. The course will run from April 7 – April 14 and features talks with four of the most innovative and talented leaders in children’s and youth ministry.

This is a free, pre-recorded class that will take an average learner about 45 minutes to work through. It features text, video, quizzes, discussion areas, as well as two free downloads: The Takeaway, which is a one-page synopsis of the class, and Discussion Questions, which can be used in face to face gatherings following The Big Class.  There will be live moderating going on during the class (April 7 – April 14) so students will be able to ask the presenters questions.  There is no special software required.

This is the first Big Class we’ve offered in order to help get the word out about an upcoming conference. The class features four of the keynote speakers for the upcoming Faith Forward conference in Nashville. Organizer Dave Csinos and I were thinking about a way to more widely expose the work of these conference presenters to those who were either coming to the conference and wanted to get a head start on what’s coming up, as well as those who will not be attending the conference but have a keen interest in the subject.

The four teachers for this class are Dave Csinos, Melvin Bray, Ivy Beckwith and Danielle Shroyer. We will be releasing a moderator schedule shortly so that students can know when these live chats are happening.  We are excited to be bringing this kind of resource to a wider audience and pray this class can be useful in faith communities around the world.

Available Now: Making Sense of the Cross Part 1 with David Lose

davidloseThis course was a huge success as our Lenten “Big Class,” which ran for free from Ash Wednesday to March 12.   Over 1500 people from 23 countries took the course together; in the optional survey at the end, 94% were either “satisfied” or “extremely satisfied” with the course!

Now, it’s available to add to your church’s online school or to take as an individual.  Click here for more information:  Making Sense of the Cross Part One

Making Sense of the Cross, Part One — with David Lose

The most profound event of human history is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Far more people are puzzled about the Cross than would claim to understand it. In this course author, theologian, and pastor David Lose inspires us to think deeply about what Jesus’ cross might mean to you and me. David says that the best way to make sense of the cross is not through theories but through experience. This course includes three lectures in which David talks about:

  • The Cross and Experience
  • The Cross and Forgiveness
  • The Cross and Atonement

This class is the online learning version of the Augsburg Fortress DVD-based curriculum of the same name so if you have used these fine materials before, this will be very familiar.

There are actually three parts to the online learning version of Making Sense of the Cross. This course is the first. Part II is called The Bible and the Cross and will be available March 23. Part III is called Theories of the Cross and will be available March 30. None of these videos is downloadable; however there are text and mp3 files included with the classes that you may download.

If you would prefer to purchase the 6-part Augsburg Fortress DVD-based series, click here.

Introducing Tracks

Announcing a new way for students to travel down a learning path that can take them to their destination.Tracks Title

They’re called Tracks.

Located at the top of the ‘Browse Catalog’ page, they can be used as fully online learning experiences, or as a more expansive, blended learning experience, which we recommend. Pulling people together, to interact face-to-face, whenever possible improves the learning experience.

Since each course comes with two downloads, The Takeaway (a one-page synopsis of the course) and Discussion Questions, classes can be convenient and easy to organize.Tracks

With that in mind, subscribers can organize their own, custom Tracks based on the outcomes you desire. We’ve put 7 tracks together, which you can view here.

New Course: Your Faith Can Make You Well with Scott Stoner

There’s a lot of talk about “wellness” these days, says author, speaker, and Episcopal priest Dr. Scott Stoner. But it’s not some new fad, as much as it is an extension of an ancient idea that finds its origins in God and our creation.
In this course, Scott begins to unpack what faith and wellness look like, based on his work with the popular ministry called Living Compass. Here’s what we’ll explore:

– Connecting Faith and Wellness
– Four Dimensions of Wellness
– Wellness and Balance
– Gladness and Singleness of Heart

This 45-minute course is suitable for anyone looking to better understand the link between faith and wellness!

Find out more about Your Faith Can Make You Well here.

The Big Class: Making Sense of the Cross Launches Today

D Lose Square
The Big Class is now in session.

More than 1,200 people in 14 countries have signed up – and you’re welcome to join us: Click here to learn more and register for free.

We’ve made The Big Class open to all, for free, thanks to Augsburg Fortress Publishers.  Beginning today through March 12, anyone with Internet access and a computer or tablet can take this course in which online learners will read, write, watch, listen, and participate in an open conversation about the cross.  

The Rev. Dr. David Lose is a professor at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN. This course expands on the popular Making Sense of the Cross, a six-session, small-group course published by Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis.

Dr. Lose will moderate the course and answer online questions during the week of The Big Class. Participants can take the class anytime during the week at The course will take 45 minutes to complete and need not be taken in one sitting. No special software is required.

AF_logo_Large_blkThroughout Making Sense of the Cross, readers are encouraged to think about and experience the cross and its meaning for their lives. “The Cross has been as life-giving as it has been mysterious,” said Chris Yaw, founder of ChurchNext, a producer of online learning experiences. “However, David possesses that rare gift of theological insight and communication prowess that will makes this course incredibly helpful to anyone looking to gain deeper insight into Jesus’ death and resurrection.”

The Big Class is a worldwide online course for all who want to go further in their walk with Christ and is free to everyone, everywhere, thanks to the support of Augsburg Fortress. Special materials are available for congregations and education classes that desire to take the class together as part of a Lenten study.

“How we understand the cross shapes how we construe and construct our life in the world,” writes Dr. Lose. “By diving deeper into the message and meaning of this, the greatest event in the world’s history, we grow deeper into the kind of people we want to be. I’m excited to be able to offer this course free to a worldwide audience, as a way to use new technology to unpack ancient truths.”

New Course: Healthy Relationships for Couples with Holly and Scott Stoner

scott and hollyIt’s been said that people shouldn’t marry to make themselves happy, but to make their partner happy. It is this kind of selfless devotion that family and marriage counselors Holly and Scott Stoner call ‘Standing in Love.’ Learn more about how couples can improve their relationships by putting love first.

First there’s falling in love – then there’s growing in love.

Inevitably the latter is more difficult than the former and in this course the Stoners teach us several helpful strategies to grow in love that are timeless, life-giving, and potentially marriage-saving.

This course includes lessons on:

  1. Standing in Love
  2. Co-Creating Healthy Relationships
  3. Communication Styles
  4. Emotional Bank Accounts

Find our more about Healthy Relationships for Couples here.

This course is one of three produced in partnership with Living Compass, a ministry devoted to wholeness in every area of faith and life. Holly and Scott Stoner are popular speakers, conference leaders, and founders of Living Compass, a ministry dedicated to wholeness. Learn more by visiting