We are thrilled to be presenting the engaging, thought-provoking, and innovative Animate series through ChurchNext. The second course in this three-part series, Animate Faith 2, launches today. This unique program is designed to spur thought, discussion, wondering, pondering, and spiritual growth not by offering answers to some of faith’s most difficult or basic questions but by offering new ways of considering them.
Animate Faith 2 features two more of the most engaging and sought-after speakers on faith today: Shane Hipps urges us to rethink our understandings of salvation because, as he says, when Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of Heaven, he uses not the future tense but the present. What might it mean for us to tune our hearts to recognize salvation in the here and now? And Nadia Bolz-Weber offers a refreshing take on the cross and the crucifixion, one which reminds us of God’s value system, not our own.
This course is produced in partnership with Augsburg Fortress Publishing, which offers the Animate Faith DVD curriculum as well as facilitator guides and journals for small groups. Click here to find out more.
Stay tuned for the launch of Animate Faith Part 3 next week. To register for Animate Faith 2 please click here.