ChurchNext and Flipping the Classroom

Sure, you’ve probably heard the term ‘flipping the classroom’ – if you haven’t it refers to the idea that instead of learning about a topic in class and then practicing (i.e. doing homework) at home – the students actually learn about the topic on their own time (i.e. an online video or class) and then spend that precious classroom time putting the new learning into practice when they come together, face to face.

This, in theory, means that a student can study at their own pace, re-read, re-watch, re-listen to course content to make sure they understand what’s going on. Access to the teacher and other students in class helps them understand better. And judging by the stats at the bottom of this infographic there’s some serious data to show this works (thanks to the good folks at Knewton – if you want to keep up on online learning in general, do subscribe to their blog!).

Many ChurchNext subscribers are bringing this concept into their formation programs for obvious reasons: convenience, access to expert teachers, and affordability,being some of the bigger reasons.

If you’re flipping the classroom at your church, drop us a line, tell us how you’re doing it and how it’s working.

0 thoughts on “ChurchNext and Flipping the Classroom

  1. This would not work for the group I work with (Generation X) because they are unable to do any “homework.” I’ve been facilitating Animate:Faith, and even if they remember to bring their journals on Sunday, they haven’t opened them or thought about the issues during the week. They just have no time for themselves during the week.

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