New Course: How to Be a Godparent with Nancy McLaughlin

Nancy McLaughlinWhile the word ‘Godparent’ is nowhere in the Bible, it is all over Christian history.

From very early on Christians began baptizing their children as a way to form healthy believers – in keeping with the admonition in the book of Proverbs which says, ‘Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they shall not depart from it.’

In this course, writer and teacher Nancy McLaughlin tells us:

  • Why have Godparents?
  • Godparents and the Bible
  • The Role of Godparents
  • Being a Godparent

This course is perfect for Godparents and Godparents-to-be – especially those who are out-of-town and want to know more about the role before they attend the ceremony. It’s a great way for clergy to teach and instruct from a distance.

Click here to learn more about the course and how to take it.

Dr. Nancy McLaughlin is a teacher and author of two books including Godparenting: Nurturing the Next Generation (with Tracey Herzer).

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