New Course: Introduction to Christian Marriage with Paul Walters

P Walters Square‘People have been getting married for ages,’ says instructor Paul Walters, ‘however when Christians get married, there are some differences…’

So begins this fascinating introduction into the topic of Christian marriage. In it, Walters explains that Christians bring a host of convictions, habits, and virtues into marriage. In fact, as Walters explains in this course, there are a number of virtues Christians cultivate in their lives that can assist them in their marriage. Click here to learn more about this course and how to take it.

Paul Walters is a gifted speaker and author. His latest book is Christ in Your Marriage. He is the pastor of Lutheran Church of the Master in Troy, MI.

This is a great course for those who are preparing for Christian marriage as well as those who may be unfamiliar with the nuances the Christian faith brings to marriage.

ChurchNext courses are available at They are 45 minute classes that students can take individually, in groups, or in a congregation.

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