We still don’t quite know how Jean-Marc Robinet found us – all the way from Paris, France – to become our very first individual subscriber, but we’re glad he did.
The day before our public debut, while we were still testing things, Jean-Marc, somehow, found us and started taking courses on our Individual, monthly plan.
Reached by SKYPE recently, Jean-Marc said he was drawn by the wide selection of courses, the user-friendly platform, as well as the consistent high quality of the courses. “I am very impressed,” he said, “I am a very involved lay person in my church, and I have even earned a graduate degree in theology, but I found these very easy to access and quite thought provoking.”
These come as high compliments given Jean-Marc’s profession: he is in charge of the e-learning department at a large public transportation authority in France.
Jean-Marc is going to work with his denominational leaders to inform them about ChurchNext. He is a member of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches of Europe, which includes congregations in 5 countries. Jean-Marc thinks a ChurchNext school might help bring some unity to this diaspora. “I think this would really be able to unite us,” Mark said, “To come together on the web, around Christ’s teachings seems natural.”