This week’s class, How to Pray Online with Karekin Yarian, which is available For Individuals as well as For Group study, shows us that the online world isn’t just for Game of Thrones quizzes and photographs of other people’s meals. Brother Yarian, a software engineer and monk from San Francisco, demonstrates many ways in which online resources can support our spiritual lives.
Having trouble working in devotional exercises around your other obligations? There’s an app for that. (Several, in fact.) Want to compare various translations of a problematic biblical passage? You can check out several websites that might serve your purpose, depending on how many translations and how much commentary you want. Feeling called to pray the Daily Office? A phone or tablet can bring up exactly the service you need for the date and time of day.
We are used to thinking of the constant buzz of activity online as a source of distraction. Brother Yarian shows how technology can help us bring our focus back to God. We are becoming accustomed to internal division. This class demonstrates how the opportunities of our unique age have the potential to unite us across continents as a truly global church.
Want to see more? Please enjoy this preview of the class.