We’re excited to launch Introducing Stewardship in time for churches’ traditional Fall campaigns. And yet, one of the things Kristine Miller reminds us in this course is that stewardship isn’t just for a season. If we want to see real change and improvement in our fundraising, we need to remember that stewardship is more than money: it’s an ongoing practice of faith to which God calls us as we seek to do God’s work.
This course offers valuable advice on assembling a stewardship committee, strategizing communications efforts, and responding to changes in culture and practice so that we reach people where they are, as they are, and communicate our passion for our ministry. If we’re excited about and committed to the work our church is doing, why shouldn’t we ask others to be? No more apologizing or skirting around the issue. People want to invest in things that matter — and we believe that our churches matter.
This course will be valuable to congregations, stewardship committees, church vestries and governing bodies, and clergy alike. Click here to register or for more information.
Kristine Miller is a professional stewardship consultant, speaker, and writer. Her titles include Climb Higher: Reaching New Heights in Giving and Discipleship.