Evangelism is about to get easier.
As mainline denominations re-discover the importance of forming Christians who know and share their faith, some of our brightest theologians are developing new ways to help believers get there.
Announcing a brand new formation curriculum to help mainline Christians discern their faith and more easily talk about it. It’s called Speaking Our Faith™.
Based on the doctoral work of The Rev. Dr. Kit Carlson, this intensive, five-week course is designed to help participants discover and become confident in their faith, as well as develop tools to authentically share that faith with others.
“We mainline believers have a faith within us. However we’ve not always been given safe spaces to ask questions, make connections, and form vocabularies that helps us authentically articulate our beliefs. Speaking Our Faith™ uses pointed questions in safe, small group environments to help us come to know and share this intimate part of ourselves.” says Dr. Carlson.
Speaking Our Faith™ invites small groups to come together once a week for five weeks. Each session lasts 90 minutes and includes a video presentation followed by small group discussion. A robust Leader’s Guide takes leaders step by step through the five week journey. Participant Guides are also included for everyone taking part.
“Vibrant mainline Christianity is evolving into a Christ-centered, Christ-sharing environment,” says ChurchNext founder Chris Yaw, “And we’re thrilled to work with Dr. Carlson to help share her groundbreaking research and communication techniques. with others.”
Speaking Our Faith™ will be available for purchase and preview in time for Lent, 2017 for $99 per congregation or $49 for subscribing ChurchNext congregations. For more information contact us at hello@churchnext.tv