Online Resources for Altar Guild and Flower Preparation

Flowers 2

Two weeks ago, we posted about online resources for vestry members and lectors, and last week, we posted about online resources for Eucharistic visitation and pastoral care. Today, we will go into online resources for your church’s altar guild and the flower team.

We encourage you to forward this post or resources in it that you find particularly helpful on to the people at your church who are in charge of these ministries. Also, if you know of any particular online resources on these subjects that people might find helpful, please comment!

1. The National Altar Guild Association has a really extraordinarily good website filled with useful information about serving on the altar guild. The page includes detailed sections about the ministry of the altar guild, running an altar guild, and how to do specific tasks connected with the altar guild.

2. Try our class on Introducing the Altar Guild with Hobey Hinchman.

3. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Columbus has put up a helpful series of videos showing people step by step how to arrange flowers for the altar. Just start with step one and let the women in these videos show you how it’s done.

4. The National Altar Guild Website has a good subsection on preparing flowers for the service.

5. Fearless Flowers is a website devoted to helping people learn to arrange flowers for all kinds of purposes. It includes helpful instructional videos as well as pages of resources, tutorials, and ideas.

6. This list of secret flower arranging tips from florists is short and offers some good, basic tips for all kinds of flower arranging.

We hope that you have found these online resources helpful.




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