Looking for new learning resources for yourself or your congregation? Try looking online for free university courses. Some universities, including Harvard and Yale, offer free online classes to the public. The classes aren’t offered for credit, but they are excellent resources for people who want to learn more on the subjects that they cover.
Your congregation may be interested particularly in Yale’s religious studies offerings, Introduction to the New Testament History and Literature and Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible). Make your congregation aware of these offerings to take on their own, or incorporate them into your Bible study and other group offerings. Yale also offers courses that address religion less directly but that are certainly relevant to Christian discussions — courses on philosophical approaches to death, for example, and on the Reformation in England and on environmental conservation. Any number of adult formation offerings, for example, might be enhanced by material from these classes.
As you develop and curate online offerings for your church, consider linking your congregation to these courses and exploring free online courses that may be available from other universities.Help your fellow Christians take advantage of these rich educational opportunities in ways that can enhance their journeys and faith and help them explore God’s abundant creation.
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