Resource: The Network of Biblical Storytellers

On Sunday, we launched Biblical Storytelling: The Feeding of the 5000 with Kathy Culmer . In this class, Kathy introduces the craft of biblical storytelling and tells the story of The Feeding of the 5000 from the Gospel of Mark. Kathy’s moving performance results in part from many years of experience. She belongs to the Network of Biblical Storytellers, International, a terrific resource for all who wish to incorporate biblical storytelling into their coScreenshot 2016-01-12 10.50.54mmunities. NBS International is an organization of biblical storytellers and of people use biblical storytelling to enhance their work as Christians — in church, in outreach, as teachers, and in other capacities. They value the oral communication of scriptural stories, as our spiritual ancestors communicated the stories for centuries. They work to make the telling of Bible stories available to anybody who wishes to participate, as a teller or as a listener.


NBS International offers many useful resources for people who wish to gain access to biblical storytelling performances. Their website offers videos of biblical storytellers Screenshot 2016-01-12 10.49.13telling tales from scripture as well as links to audio versions of the stories and commentary about the stories. They also provide a directory of biblical storytellers that users can search by name and by region  (I found three in my general area and two in my town!) Also, each year, NBS International organizes a biblical storytelling festival providing days of biblical storytelling performances as well as opportunities for scholarship, worship, and discussion.

The organization also offers opportunities for people to learn about practicing the craft of Screenshot 2016-01-12 10.51.03biblical storytelling. The festival offers many workshops for basic storytelling instruction. For people who want to learn more, NBS International offers a rigorous biblical storytelling educational program, mostly conducted online.

Anybody who wishes to learn more about biblical storytelling would profit from exploring the resources available through the Network of Biblical Storytellers, International. For a terrific introduction to biblical storytelling and a moving performance of a well-loved biblical story, watch Kathy’s lecture and performance in our class: Biblical Storytelling: The Feeding of the 5000 with Kathy Culmer.


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