We’re up to over 1000 people from 15 different countries who have taken The Big Class! The opportunity isn’t over! Anybody in the world can take it for free through Monday, September 28. Please continue to encourage people to take The Big Class: A Christian Response to Gun Violence this week!
To help motivate you, here are some student comments on the class:
I like that I am able to take this course when I want to. The videos are very good and the accompanying text helps to truly make this a learning experience for me.
Good mix of different learning approaches. Like that I could return to any part and participate. This allowed me to think about the topic and to give a deeper response to the questions presented or the discussion.
I appreciated the level-headed responses from other students and the ability to reply or ask a question.
Please spread the word! People still have through Monday to benefit from these teachers’ guidance and learn about this important issue!