Here’s a look at our latest infographic. We put it together in light of the new and comprehensive Pew Research report, gauging the religious habits of U.S. citizens and analyzed this alongside the 2010 research report, Searching for Salvation: An Analysis of U.S. Religious Searching on the World Wide Web by Dr. Bernard Jensen and others.
What caught our eye is that, while self-identification as ‘Christian’ continues to drop precipitously, the number of searches for religious topics apparently doesn’t change much. We know that the majority of those who check the religious preference box ‘none of the above’ are not atheists or agnostics but are perhaps better understood as soft secularists, people who believe in God, pray, and are certainly open to spiritual community. How well congregations understand and adapt to this will have a profound affect on our future.
We produced it in time for the e-Formation Conference going on this week at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, VA. There are some amazing free resources coming out of this – all will be posted on their Pinterest page by the end of the week, fyi, #eform15.