Lessons in Belonging, from Erin Lane’s new book, Lessons in Belonging from a Churchgoing Commitment-Phobe, speaks to a real — and pressing — issue in the Church: everyone’s deep soul-need to belong, alongside a culture that is increasingly reluctant to actually do so.
This is especially true for the “nones” — those under 30s who check the “none” box when asked which religion they affiliate with. In a culture of cynicism and mistrust, along with a reluctance to commit or conform, many misunderstand the blessings, gifts, and healthy challenges that come with committing to a church community. Erin shares her own experiences and helps remind us of the benefits of truly belonging, and the rewards that make taking that risk so worthwhile. Being in community, being vulnerable, learning how to love charitably, to see the best in people and be reminded of our own true selves — these disciplines can, like honoring the Sabbath — be a pathway to living a life larger than our own limited imaginations can fathom.
Erin’s course is a fabulous one for those considering joining a church and for those who might need a reminder of why they belong. You may never think of church membership the same way again. Click here to register or for more information.
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