The first part of animate: Bible launches today, and continues our partnership with Augsburg Fortress to offer the animate series in an online format. Animate: Bible 1 features video lectures by Eric Elnes, Phyllis Tickle, and Rachel Held Evans on the history of the Bible — its creation, distribution (or lack thereof), and nature — as well as what our relationship to it can tell us about our own faith journeys.
Last fall, ChurchNext and Augsburg Fortress teamed up to bring the popular “animate” series to an online learning environment. There are three animate series to date which have been launched in DVD format by Augsburg: animate: Faith, animate: Bible, and animate: Practices. The animate series has been described as “designed to energize conversations about faith, with the hope that this will spark new life in churches.” Casual but ordered, funky yet substantive, modern yet based on and exploring age old truisms, this series wants to “animate” all our senses. Participants are encouraged to create through journaling, creative writing and graphics; whatever method helps to explain or enhance the conversation.
Click here to register for animate: Bible 1 or for more information.